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Prof. Rafael Freund Award


Applied Research Award

מדלית החברה הגיאולוגית.png

Medal of the Geological Society


Prof. Gedalia Gvirtzman Award


Dr. Peretz Grader Award for Young Researchers

מדלית החברה הגיאולוגית

Medal of the Geological Society

The Geological Society Medal is awarded as a commendation to a member or several members who have made an outstanding contribution in the field of geology and earth sciences for society in Israel over the past three years. Special emphasis in the considerations of the award committee is given to activities in public frameworks that include the formal and informal education system, environmental organizations, and planning institutions. Considerations for this award also include initiatives in the field of geological site conservation and popular scientific writing on geological issues.


Award Committee:

The jury for awarding the medal consists of three members, including the president of the company, who also serves as chairman of the committee.

מדלית החברה הגיאולוגית.png


2023 -Michael Beyth

2022 - Alan Matthews

2021 - Amos Frumkin

2020 - John K. Hall

2018 - Avraham Starinski

2017 - Yoav Avni

2016 - Gideon Almagor

2015 - Ezra Zilberman and Amir Eidelman

2013 - Doron Mor

2010 - Yuli Zaslavsky

2009 - Emmanuel Mazor

2005 - Avi Shapira

2003 - Akiva Flexer

2002 - Hanan Ginat

2001 - Nir Orion

פרץ גרדר

Dr. Peretz Grader Award for Young Researchers

The late Dr. Peretz Grader served as Director of the Petroleum Department at the Ministry of Development and Director of the Petroleum Department at the Geological Survey, and perished in a plane crash in Iran during his work. The Geological Society will award the prize in the name of the late Dr. Peretz Grader once a year to a member of the association whose age does not exceed 36 years on the day of receiving the prize for public publication of an original essay in the field of earth sciences.

Award Committee:

The IGS president will serve as chairman of the committee and will be joined by up to three additional members (at least one), with proven research experience in the field of earth sciences.



2023 - Yuval Shmilovich

2022 - Roi Ram

2021 - Emily Tran & Nurit Weber

2020 - Nir Galili and Yoav Ben Dor

2019 - Danna Titelboim

2018 - Ido Sirota

2017 - Michael Anenburg

2016 - Chen Gruber

2015 - Imri Oz

2014 - Yonatan Goldsmith

2013 - Ran Nof

2012 - Navot Morag

2011 - Ron Shaar

2010 - Itay Reznik

2009 - Liran Goren

2008 - Goni Yagoda-Biran

2007 - Roi Granot and Adi Torfstein

2006 - Ronnie Kamai

2005 - Orit Sivan and Adva Avital

2004 - Elisa Kagan

2003 - Anton Vaks and Nicholas Waldmann

2002 - Yuval Bartov and Daniel Glik

2001 - Betina Shilman and Yariv Hamiel

2000 - Amir Sagi and Michael Tsesarsky

1999 - Noa Bechor

1998 - Meir Abelson and Galit Kadan

1997 - Sigal Abramovitch and Zohar Gvirtzman

1996 - Nadia Teutsch

1995 - Alex Beker and Shaul Horowitz

1994 - Rami Weinberger

1993 - Rani Calvo

1992 - Shmulik Marco

1991 - Yehudit Harlavan

1990 - Haim Gvirtzman and Avi Burg

1989 - Amotz Agnon and Oded Navon

1988 - Itai Gavrieli

1987 - Ditza Kempler and Aldo Shemesh

1986 - Dov Avigad

1985 - Ronit Nativ

1984 - Gadi Shamir

1983 - Miriam Bielski

1982 - Chaim Binyamini

1981 - David Bonen

1980 - Laura Buchbinder and David Shafranek

1979 - Ezra Zilberman

1977 - Binyamin Z. Begin and Zeev Reches

1976 - Zvi Ben-Avraham and Yoram Shoham

1975 - Yehezkel Druckman

1973 - Yitzhak Levi

1972 - Yehoshua Kolodny

1971 - Eli Gavish and Uri Kafri

1968 - Avraham Lerman and A. Aharoni

1967 - Eitan Sass and Yaakov Nathan

1966 - Yaakov Karcz and Zvi Garfunkel

1962 - Lisa Heller-Kallai and Rafael Freund

פרס עבודה יישומית

The John K. Hall Geological Society Award for Research and Applied Work Infrastructure in the Earth Sciences

The award, initiated by Dr. John K. Hall, is given every two years as a token of appreciation for research activities that have significantly contributed to the creation and advancement of knowledge infrastructures and database development. The award will be given to a friend or friends who have been involved in the construction and processing of databases in the fields of geology, oceanography, geomorphology and the environment, which serve as a basis for research in earth sciences and related science and technology fields. The databases must be open and available to all.


Award Committee:

The award committee will consist of three members, including the IGS president, who will also serve as the committee's chairman. The committee members will be elected by the board for one year, and it will be possible to extend their term for a maximum of two more years.



2022 - Yosefh Yechieli and Gidon Baer

2020 - Gideon Tibor

2016 - Baruch Derin

2014 - Lorian Fleischer

2012 - Amihai Sneh

פרס רפאל פרוינד

Award of the Israeli Geological Society in the Name of the Late Professor Raphael Freund

The late Prof. Rafael (Rafi) Freund worked as a professor of geology at the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and served as president of the Israeli Geological Society from 1964 to 1968. Prof. Freund was one of the first to recognize the importance of plate tectonics and its importance to local geology. Beyond the academic teaching, he spread the science of geology among the general interested population and amateurs as well as working in the field of economic geology as part of his role as a board member of the National Oil Exploration Company.


The prize in the name of Prof. Raphael Freund will be awarded annually to a member or several members of the Geological Society for an excellent essay written in the field of earth sciences and published in the three years prior to the award. Alternatively, the award will also be given for a cumulative and outstanding scientific contribution in the field of the award winner or award winners, which is reflected in a number of significant essays published during the five years prior to the award date.


The Committee:

The committee comprises 4 members with explicit research experience in the field of Earth science and includes the president of the society as its chair. Members of the committee are elected for a single year, and their service in the committee may be extended by an additional 2 years. Award nominees will not serve as members of the committee.


2023 - Sigal Abramovich

2022 - Orit Sivan

2021 - Einat Aharonov

2020 - Yigal Erel

2019 - Dov Avigad

2018 - Meir Abelson

2017 - Yael Kiro

2016 - Uri Schattner

2015 - Roi Granot

2014 - Boaz Lazar

2013 - Jonathan Erez

2012 - Avraham Starinski and Amitai Katz

2011 - Ari Matmon and Naomi Porat

2010 - Vladimir Lyakhovsky

2009 - Rivka Amit, Yehouda Enzel and David Sharon

2008 - Alon Ziv

2007 - Amotz Agnon and Shmuel Marco

2006 - Alan Matthews

2005 -Gidi Steinitz, Binyamin Z. Begin and Naama Gazit-Yaari

2004 - David Soudry

2003 - Rami Weinberger

2002 - Oded Navon

2001 - Miriam Bar-Matthews, Avner Ayalon and Aharon Kaufman

2000 - Amihai Sneh, Yosef Bartov, Tuvia Weissbrod and Marcelo Rosensaft

1999 - John K. Hall

1998 - Yoram Eshet

1997 - Ahuva Almogi-Labin

1996 - Zeev Reches

1995 - Inna Dubroskina

1994 - Mordechai Stein

1992 - Gideon Baer

1991 - Yehoshua Kolodny

1990 - Amos Bein

1987 - Haggai Ron and Zvi Garfunkel

1986 - Yaakov Bentor

1985 - Yair Rotstein and Zvi Ben Avraham

1984 - Zeev Reiss

1983 - Avraham Parnes

1982 - Eytan Sass

1981 - Aharon Horovitz

1980 - Dan Gill and Dov Bahat

1979 - Shulamit Gross

פרס גדליה גבירצמן

The late Gedaliah Gvirtzman Prize for Young Researchers

The Geological Society will award the Geological Society Prize once a year in the name of the late Prof. Gedaliah Gvirtsman, a pioneer of geological research in Israel, a senior researcher at the Geological Survey, and the founder of geology studies at Bar Ilan University.

The purpose of the award is to honor and encourage the excellence of researchers in the early stages of their scientific endeavors. The prize will be awarded by the Geological Society for the publication of a certified work or an acknowledged scientific work up to two years from the time of publication. The list of nominees for the award will be gender-balanced and will include at least 30% of each gender. If the search committee has not obtained a representative list as aforesaid, then it shall address this in its decision and report the matter to the General Assembly.

The prize will be awarded to the Geological Society for the publication of a certified work or an acknowledged scientific work up to two years from the time of publication.


Award Committee:

Will be composed of four members who have proven research experience in the field of earth sciences. The president of the company will be one of the members of the committee and will serve as chairman. In the event of a tie-in a decision, the vote of the chairman of the committee will be considered a double vote.


2023 - Noam Lotem

2022 - Guy Tau

2021  - Gal Yasur

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