Geomorphological tour of the northeastern Negev
November 2020
Between November 3-4, 2020, a quarterly tour of the northeastern Negev was led by Prof. Ari Matmon and sponsored by the Geological Society.
We would like to thank everyone who worked hard in planning and making the tour and led to its great success:
Larry Treasure on the initiative, great idea, planning and leading the tour,
To Natalie Niago and Shay King for the meticulous logistical planning and the multiple investment in making the tour,
To Yossi Scherer who joined the tour and made sure no one was left behind,
You volunteered to be the tour guide,
To soldiers on patrol who were accompanied by weapons,
To all the participants who were great and contributed to the discussions that were at all the stations,
To the students who did the science: Ronen Boruda, Yuval Shmilovitz, Shlomo Alfasi, Natalie Niago, and Noa Fruchter.
We wish everyone continued successful scientific work!