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2020 Photography Competition

The Geological Society's photography competition was first held in 2019 in honor of the establishment of the new site. This is the second year the competition has been held.

Judges: Hannah Netzer Cohen, Iyad Swede, Amir Sandler and Amos Salmon as chairmen, all from the Geological Survey, chose Boaz Langford's "Salt Hair on Salt Stalactite" as the winner of the competition!

This is the second year that Boaz has won this competition!

We thank you all for the photos you submitted to the Geological Society Competition for 2020, and are already inviting new submissions for the 2019 conference.

Many thanks also to Hannah, Iyad and Amir for their help in judging.

Boaz Langford


Rotem Allinson

Elhanan Harel

Yoav Ben Dor

Sarit Ashkenazi-Poliboda

Roy Rodd