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Screening of the film "Picture a Scientist"


The Israeli Geological Society works to promote gender fairness and the optimal contribution of researchers among the community of earth and environmental sciences in Israel.
As part of this activity, we have acquired the rights to screen the film Picture a Scientist and we invite members of the community to watch the film and participate in a panel to discuss the issues raised in the film.
The film Picture a Scientist presents the challenges facing women in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) through the personal stories of three researchers in the fields of biology, chemistry and geology.

You can watch the trailer here:


Screening of the film

The screening of the film is scheduled for December 13 and allows for 72 hours of online viewing. Viewing requires pre-registration.

Register at the link:
Please note - registration will close on 9.12.2020 at 12:00.

After closing the registration, you will receive an email with a link that allows you to flexibly watch the movie at any time you want, starting on December 13 (Sunday) for 72 hours.
For clarification - there will be no concentrated screening event.

Gender Challenges Panel
On December 15, at 5:00 PM , we will hold an online panel with the participation of researchers in the field of science from various institutions in the country.
The panel will focus on the discussion of the film and the relevant aspects of the Jewish community and the environment in Israel.

Looking forward to your participation
The organizing team - Michal Ben Israel and Natalie Niago,

And the Israeli Geological Society

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